Sunday, May 31, 2009

Follow up to the Woods Cross Chainsaw Massacre

Almost two months ago I got my beloved chainsaw and started cutting, I posted pictures of the tree I pruned and the pile of limbs from the three other trees that I cut down. Here is a follow up to so the progress made since the tree cutting. I have included pictures of our flower garden in the front yard and vegetable garden in the back yard. I also included a new swing for Bennett.

Thanks to Spencer, Dave and Ken for helping me haul the limbs to the dump and to our neighbor Joe for helping me unload a trailer full of compost from the dump into the garden. Hopefully this fall most if not all of the ingredients for our salsa will come from our garden. We planted several types of tomatoes and peppers, we also planted egg plant, several types of basil, cucumbers, spaghetti squash, yellow summer squash and a blackberry bush.


dave, catie, and baby b. said...

Your home has never looked better. You guys must be really proud of that.

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

your garden is awesome!
don't worry, we'll be coming by
to help you eat all those tomatoes.

your flowers look
fantastic! good job!

catie and bennett