Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Very Friendly Pine Siskin

I went out this evening to fill my bird feeders and this little guy stayed behind to eat after the others had left. I noticed that as I approached the feeder he did not fly off so I slowly approached him. I stood right in front of him just a few inches away and he just kept on eating, so I stuck my finger out and gently touched him on the bumb and to my surprise he stepped back onto my finger and stayed for about 7 or 8 seconds then flew off. He circled around and came back to the feeder and continued to eat. I ran inside and grabbed my camera and asked Dave my son in-law to take some pictures. He actually stood on my finger 4 more times before I left him alone to finish eating. Here are a couple of those pictures


dave, catie, and baby b. said...

He's either an outcast, or he has struck fear into the hearts of his fellow birds, leaving himself with the feeder- and no limits.

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

that is amazing.
you're like cinderella.

do you sing to neil diamond and pickles when no one else is around?

Steve and Nery said...

Maybe that's why they stopped breeding